Silver Product Package
Product Package ID: 950050
Category: Toys & Games
Target Selling Price: $38.17
Average Reviews: 1,400
Average Review Rating: 4.52
Average Monthly Sales (Top 3): $148,274
Target Monthly Gross Profit: $32,659
This all-in-one package is designed to simplify your journey and enhance your brand.
Here’s what you get:
• Brand Creation - $1,997 Value
• Optimized Amazon Listings - $997 Value
• Shopify Landing Page - $1,297 Value
• Ready-to-Launch Facebook Ads - $1,997 Value
Total Value: $6,288 - Your's FREE when you purchase an Expert Product Package Today - Limited Time Offer
Here’s what you get with the all new Omnichannel Expert Product Package:
A carefully researched product opportunity to sell on Shopify, Amazon, Walmart and beyond
A list of over 100 of the best keywords to target for this product. These can be used in Amazon ads, Google ads, or wherever you sell!
Full product opportunity details including Estimated investment, estimated shipping price, suggested selling price, and estimated profit
Product potential validation using the most up-to-date product selection criteria to validate your product!
Pain and pleasure points about the top things that customers love or dislike about the product
Market analysis with an overview, trends in the industry, and demographics!
Contact information and estimated pricing from a minimum of 3 potential suppliers
A list of ads already being run by your competition highlighting how they have differentiated their product
A video walkthrough of what's included in your product, including ideas to jumpstart your own product differentiation!
Only one of this specific package is available. Once it's sold, it's gone forever.
These Expert Product Packages sell out nearly every time we offer them. Act now in order to reserve yours before they're all gone!